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Bilal's Speeches,
References & Career

from current clients (German & English)

The most booked German AI speaker, re-bookings from many international companies. Here you will find a selection of short videos, and further down, complete videos to watch.

Bilal's YouTube Shorts

Videos of Performances

Bilal is a motivated Tech Entrepreneur & talented speaker.

International Keynote in Dubai (Trailer), 1 Minute.

A short German summary (2 minutes) to watch:

Example Keynote in German, unedited. 45 minutes to watch:

Sold-out evening event with more than 450 people at Schloss Salem, 45 minutes.

German Shark Tank Episode (Season 8, Episode 3):

Keynote in English, 54 minutes, uncut.

Bilal in Media


TV German Shark Tank (VOX)
VOX Logo

Full episode with Adil and Bilal Zafar: Season 8, Episode 3 (Link, RTL+ required)

Article Short contribution on
VOX Logo

“German Shark Tank” stars now selling dream trips - Interview about our new company dab for worldwide leisure activities (Link)

TV Documentary with Elon Musk at Prime-Time on ProSieben
VOX Logo

Bilal's interview excerpt on the topic of innovation in full episode (Link, Galileo+ required)

VOX Logo

Article about the future of job search: "Will machines soon find the right company for us?" (Link)

Interview Article on
stern Logo

"The job market is not fair" - Article about Job & Career (Link)

Report on
VOX Logo

Interview with Bilal about dab, Estonia, and his stay in Harvard (Link)

TV Report about the Platform of the Zafar Brothers
Prosieben Logo

Full Report about with test from Galileo (Link)

Report Interview with Bilal about AI
Techbook Logo

Full Interview including Video Interview with (Link)

Career of Bilal: Keynote Speaker
for Artificial Intelligence

Bilal grew up in the
Black Forest

Global Citizen.

Bilal grew up in the Black Forest. His heritage is Pakistani, his identity is German with a Local Baden childhood, his home is Düsseldorf, and the world.

University degree in Düsseldorf

In 2013, Bilal graduated from the University of Düsseldorf with a successful degree in Business Administration.

Founding of the first company, which is now a market leader

Digital Pioneer

Shortly after his degree, Bilal, together with his brother Adil, founded in 2014. The platform is now Germany's largest online job application platform.

Media Attention
in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland


Bilal on TV, at Prime Time.

Through appearances on many major TV formats such as "German Shark Tnak" and Galileo, Bilal and his brother gained recognition in Germany. Bilal also regularly appears as an expert for innovations on TV, as seen in front of the Tesla-GIGAFACTORY for the recording of an Elon Musk documentary watched by millions.

Founding of the second company. This time with global reach.


Dream trips booked all over the world.

In 2021, the brothers founded another company together: dab - a video platform for global recreational activities with offers including in the USA and the United Arab Emirates.

Courses in the USA at
Harvard Business School

Learned from the best in the world.

Bilal always wanted to attend the world-famous Harvard University: Therefore, he visited the Harvard Business School in 2021 and 2022 as part of an Executive Education in the USA and successfully completed two courses with credit points.

Active CEO and
Professional Speaker

Booked by international companies.

For many years, Bilal has been a professional keynote speaker and shares his knowledge as an active CEO of two internet companies with other companies. Bilal is booked by international corporations, as well as by German medium-sized businesses.


Book a Keynote.

Bilal Zafar
Professional Speaker

+49 1577 60 42 051

Career & Milestones at LinkedIn Logo

Office Germany, Düsseldorf GmbH
Himmelgeister Straße 201
40225 Düsseldorf

Young & dynamic.

Bilal Zafar is 34 years young, speaks 3 languages fluently. He has a university degree in business administration and took courses from Harvard University. 

Strong presence.

Numerous appearances on stages, in TV interviews, as well as full-page articles in high-reach media.

Expertise from +12 years.

Bilal, along with his brother, founded two successful companies, of which "" is now the market leader in Germany.