Speaker for
Artificial Intelligence
After his business administration studies in Germany, Bilal went to Harvard University's Business School and completed the prestigious module 'Authentic Leader Development' and the additional course 'Launching New Ventures' as part of an executive education program in the US.
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Bilal has already been booked by Microsoft, the corporation behind ChatGPT, as a speaker & expert on AI in 2023
Bilal in discussion with executives
and key account customers of Microsoft
after the release of ChatGPT for Search.
Bilal has been booked by international companies like Electrolux for full customer roadshows
Bilal's keynote "Biggest Change in Our Lifetime" on Artificial Intelligence has been viewed over 116,000 times in just a few months, making it the most-watched video by a German-speaking speaker on the topic of AI in 2023.
Bilal is a motivated entrepreneur & speaker with the talent to inspire people. See an English summary here:
Surprisingly, many speakers do keynotes on AI, but have never founded a digital company themselves. Why let someone show you the path who has never really walked it themselves?
Bilal knows what he's talking about, being familiar with the digital world from his daily work as a Tech-CEO.
Many millions of people watched the Zafar brothers
in the season highlight on VOX in the fall of 2020.
Watch the video
In 2021, the Zafar brothers founded the video platform dab for worldwide leisure activities. It is active in countries including Portugal, the USA, and the United Arab Emirates and many more countries.
Without external capital, Bilal and Adil Zafar have radically digitalized the outdated topic of job applications with richtiggutbewerben.de and are now Germany's largest online platform for applications.
Bilal frequently gives short interviews on the topic of innovation in Germany. He also appears in a documentary by Galileo/ProSieben about Elon Musk: Watch the video
Full-page article in the print edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in March 2017 on the topic of the digital working world in the "Career and Opportunity" section.
Full-page article in the print edition of Handelsblatt in October 2020 on the future of job searching after the broadcast of the 'Shark Tank' episode featuring Adil and Bilal Zafar.
Topics for keynotes are an initial guide. Individual content can be freely chosen and is happily discussed in advance. All keynotes are tailored to your industry.
Technology will radically and sustainably change our world. This keynote offers positive impulses and motivation for companies.
Languages: German or English
Request KeynoteArtificial Intelligence will change the world forever. What does this mean for businesses, society, and everyday life? This keynote provides a motivational impulse on the topic of AI.
Languages: German or English
Request KeynoteArtificial Intelligence is radically transforming marketing. How can I use AI effectively? What tools and prompts are available?
Languages: German or English
Request KeynoteBilal is an experienced Keynote Speaker for Artificial Intelligence and aims to inspire your organization about this topic. Artificial intelligence (AI) will profoundly transform our world. AI is the biggest change of the decade, possibly even the biggest change in our lifetime.
AI will profoundly change the world. But are you and your organization prepared for it? How will Artificial Intelligence transform work? In less than 3 years, AI will turn everything upside down. Many companies are not prepared for this because they simply lack the knowledge of how AI works and how they can use it to their advantage.
AI offers tremendous opportunities. Take advantage of the possibilities that AI offers you.